Tuesday 27 November 2012

Kingdom Wars Monsters

Types of Monsters in kingdom Wars
  • Ancient Crocodiles
  • Ancient Lake Monster
  • Anthony the Champion
  • Brachiosaurus
  • Nathan the Bloated
  • Pheeva the Seductress
  • Ranger Captain Kelthas
  • The Goblin Overseer
  • The Statue of Zuhala
  • Troll Companions
  • Troll King
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Zelkeros the Vanquisher
  • Zuha Warlords


  • Armored Polacanthus
  • Basilosaurus
  • Blood Golems
  • Blood Sworn Berserkers
  • Blood Sworn Servants
  • Blue Order Knights
  • Blue Order Mages
  • Captured Raptors
  • Consciously Decaying
  • Cymbospondylus
  • Dragoons of Zelkeros
  • Giant Sloths
  • Goblin Gate Bashers
  • Green Brood Mothers
  • Hall Chefs
  • Man-Eating Plants
  • Paladins of Anthony
  • Pirahana Swarms
  • Tortured Souls
  • Troll Shamans
  • Young Allosaurs
  • Young Trolls
  • Zuha Cannibals
  • Zuha Elders
  • Zuha Longbows


  • Arch Lich Melthazar
  • Lord Protector Leodon
  • Queen Asphasia
  • Vono the Emerald Dragon


  • Bandit Looters
  • Black Order Necromancers
  • Black Order Neophytes
  • Forest Wolves
  • Ghost Flames
  • Ghost Wolves
  • Giant Green Spiders
  • Goblin Miner
  • Goblin Slavers
  • Green Spiderlings
  • Grey Wolves
  • Half Alive
  • Half Dead
  • Lost Sprites
  • Mana Wisps
  • Mature Mosasaurs
  • Mindless Ghouls
  • Rebel Fairies
  • Rotting Zombie
  • Silverstar Archers
  • Silverstar Guards
  • Summoned Water Elementals
  • Young Gnolls
  • Young Goblin Rogues
  • Zuha Fishermen
  • Zuha Tribe Hunters


  • Black Order Apprentice
  • Blood Sworn Sucubbus
  • Blue Order Centurions
  • Flesh Eaters
  • Ghost Spirits
  • Giant Mosasaurs
  • Goblin Invaders
  • Goblin Slaver Masters
  • Goblin Taskmasters
  • Mature Raptors
  • Prisoner Necromancers
  • Siege Catapults
  • Silverstar Dragoons
  • Small Coelosaurs
  • Stegosaurus
  • Summoned Hellhounds
  • Troll Brutes
  • Tryceratops
  • Unwillingly Buried
  • Young Goblin Warriors
  • Zuha Spearmen
  • Zuha Tribe Shamans

Energy required:


Power Attack

Raging Blow

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